
  • International Fire Fighter Student Trains at ESA

    Reviewed by ESA - November 7, 2012

    We were pleased to have an international student register in our May 2012 Fire Program, and very pleased that he did so well!  Jeugenijs Muhametsins was the recipient of the Harold Criss Professionalism Award.  This is a summary of an email which he sent to ESA:

    My name is Jevgenijs and I would like to share my experience studying at ESA.

    I am an international student and firefighter from Latvia. I was a firefighter for three years in that country, and I had never traveled abroad until I came to Canada. I arrived in Edmonton on April 11 to take the Fire 1205 course at ESA in May, 2012. I chose Emergency Services Academy simply because out of all of the research I had done, ESA shone brightly to me as a proficient school.

    The first day of classes, I was worried because I have never studied in the English language. I had taken an English course and had the opportunity to further learn from some close penpals. The thought of having to independently put all that I had learned into practice was a challenge.

    I was also worried as to how I would be accepted socially in this school, until my instructor, Mr. Butchart, gave me the nickname “Freddy”, with a friendly and funny story behind the reason. I was called Freddy for the rest of the program.  I realized this academy was the place for me to learn, become challenged and enjoy the friendships I have made.

    I had already attended a firefighter’s academy, but after taking the ESA course I still learned a lot because instructors there are really enlightened,  and,  what is really important,  they’re still full- time firefighters and Chiefs!

    I met lots of great people and made new friends.  The 12 weeks left me with lots of great memories. I’m really grateful to all the instructors, my classmates and ESA personnel for their support!

    Good Luck in Your Business!


    P.S. I definitely would like to  come back to take EMR and EMT after I will have Permanent Residency in Canada!

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"Great instructors who work in the Fire/EMS field."
- Mitch, Fire 1308