PCP Primary Care Paramedic

Are you a critical thinker? Can you make quick decisions? Are you seeking a profession in which no two days are the same? Are you interested in subject areas such as anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, patient assessment, and pharmacology?

Paramedicine may be an excellent career for you.     

The second level of care in paramedicine in Canada is Primary Care Paramedic (PCP).

PCP is the largest group of paramedics in Canada. Many PCPs are employed by industrial companies, ambulance or EMS services, fire services and the military.

The PCP Program at Emergency Services Academy Ltd. ("ESA") is accredited by Accreditation Canada and approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics. This allows successful students to apply nationwide for EMS employment. ESA students are taught by experienced practitioners and instructors who are career Paramedics, Firefighters, Nurses and Medical Doctors. Instructors use a variety of program delivery techniques with an emphasis on repetition and hands-on skill and scenario training. ESA maintains  excellent student to instructor ratios during practical training to ensure students receive continuous evaluation and direct feedback throughout the program. 

After successful completion of the online pre-study and didactic components at ESA, each student is scheduled to complete field practicums: Clinical and Emergency Ambulance.

The PCP Program at ESA is a six month program including didactic and practicums. Graduation dates can vary depending on the location or length of practicums.

Questions?  Want to enrol? Contact us today.

Delivery Full-time
Program Length 29 weeks - 792 hrs
Class Size Maximum 24
Next Program Start Date January 2, 2025

Program Details

The PCP Program at ESA consists of twenty-nine weeks of study:

  • 100 hours (3-4 weeks) of pre-study including an Anatomy & Physiology online module
  • 440 didactic hours (12 weeks) at ESA, followed by practicums;
  • Clinical Practicum (Minimum 60 Hours)
  • Ambulance Practicum (Minimum 192 Hours and 30 Calls).

The PCP Program at ESA is licensed by the Private Career Colleges branch of Alberta Advanced Education.

ESA DATES AND FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  Notice of any changes will be listed on this website and can be confirmed by contacting ESA by phone or email.

2024 Program Dates

PCP 2024-04 (Program Code) - April 8, 2024 to October 28, 2024

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, March 7, 2024
  • Application Competition: March 12, 2024 to March 21, 2024 
  • Competition Exam Dates: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 or Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at ESA
  • Interviews/Skills Stations: March 18, 19, 20 & 21, 2024 - to be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.  
  • First Day of Program: Monday, April 8, 2024. Mandatory Orientation and introduction to Pre-Study from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at ESA. Uniform measurements will be completed following the orientation at ESA.
  • Important Dates for Accepted PCP 2024-04 Students:
  • How To Study Session at ESA - To be determined (optional attendance)
  • PCP Skills Days at ESA - May 2 & 3, 2024 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - mandatory attendance required in preparation for the first day of classes at ESA.
  • Pre-Study: Offsite (not at ESA): To be started April 8, 2024 and completed before Monday, May 6, 2024.
  • Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00-8:00am (Dates TBD)
  • First Day and Last Day of Classes at ESA: The didactic portion of the program (lectures and practical training) starts May 6, 2024 and ends on July 26, 2024. Schedule to be provided at  orientation.
  • Practicums:  Commence August/September 2024. Individual dates TBD.
  • End Date of Program: October 28, 2024

PCP 2024-09 (Program Code) - September 3, 2024 to March 24, 2025

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, August 1, 2024
  • Application Competition: August 7, 2024 to August 15, 2024 
  • Competition Exam Dates: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 or Thursday, August 8, 2024 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at ESA
  • Interviews/Skills Stations: August 12, 13, 14 & 15, 2024 - to be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.  
  • First Day of Program: Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Mandatory Orientation and introduction to Pre-Study from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at ESA. Uniform measurements will be completed following the orientation at ESA.
  • Important Dates for Accepted PCP 2024-09 Students:
  • How To Study Session at ESA - Saturday, September 14, 2024 at ESA - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (optional attendance)
  •  PCP Skills Days at ESA - September 28 & 29, 2024 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - mandatory attendance required in preparation for the first day of classes at ESA.
  • Pre-Study: Offsite (not at ESA): To be started September 3, 2024 and completed before Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
  • Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00-8:00am (Dates TBD)
  • First Day and Last Day of Classes at ESA: The didactic portion of the program (lectures and practical training) starts October 1, 2024 and ends on December 20, 2024. Schedule to be provided at  orientation.
  • Practicums:  Commence January 2025. Individual dates TBD.
  • End Date of Program: March 24, 2025

ESA DATES AND FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Notice of any changes will be listed on this website and can be confirmed by contacting ESA by phone or email.


2025 Program Dates

PCP 2025-01 (Program Code) - January 2, 2025 to July 23, 2025

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, November 21, 2024
  • Application Competition: November 26, 2024 to November 29, 2024 
  • Competition Exam Dates: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 or Wednesday, November 27, 2024 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at ESA
  • Interviews/Skills Stations: November 27, 28, 29, 2024 - to be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.  
  • First Day of Program: Thursday, January 2, 2025. Mandatory Orientation and introduction to Pre-Study from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at ESA. Uniform measurements will be completed following the orientation at ESA.
  • Import ant Dates for Accepted PCP 2025-01 Students:
  • How To Study Session at ESA- Saturday, January 11, 2025 at ESA - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (optional attendance)
  •  PCP Skills Days at ESA - January 16 & 17, 2025 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - mandatory attendance required in preparation for the first day of classes at ESA.
  • Pre-Study: Offsite (not at ESA): To be started January 2, 2025 and completed before Monday, February 3, 2025.
  • Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00-8:00am (Dates TBD)
  • First Day and Last Day of Classes at ESA: The didactic portion of the program (lectures and practical training) starts February 3, 2025 and ends on April 25, 2025. Schedule to be provided at  orientation.
  • Practicums:  Commence May/June 2025. Individual dates TBD.
  • End Date of Program: July 23, 2025

PCP 2025-04 (Program Code) - April 29, 2025 to November 17, 2025

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, March 27, 2025
  • Application Competition: April 2, 2025 to April 7, 2025
  • Competition Exam Dates: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 or Thursday, April 3, 2025 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at ESA
  • Interviews/Skills Stations: April 2, 3 & 4, 2025 - to be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.  
  • First Day of Program: Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Mandatory Orientation and introduction to Pre-Study from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at ESA. Uniform measurements will be completed following the orientation at ESA.
  • Import ant Dates for Accepted PCP 2025-04 Students:
  • How To Study Session at ESA- To be determined (optional attendance)
  •  PCP Skills Days at ESA - To be determined - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - mandatory attendance required in preparation for the first day of classes at ESA.
  • Pre-Study: Offsite (not at ESA): To be started April 29, 2025 and completed before Monday, May 26, 2025.
  • Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00-8:00am (Dates TBD)
  • First Day and Last Day of Classes at ESA: The didactic portion of the program (lectures and practical training) starts May 26, 2025 and ends on August 15, 2025. Schedule to be provided at  orientation.
  • Practicums:  Commence September 2025. Individual dates TBD.
  • End Date of Program: November 17, 2025

PCP 2025-09 (Program Code) - September 2, 2025 to March 23, 2026

  • Application Deadline: Thursday, July 24, 2025
  • Application Competition: July 29, 2025 to August 1, 2025
  • Competition Exam Dates: Tuesday, July 29, 2025 or Wednesday, July 30, 2025 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at ESA
  • Interviews/Skills Stations: July 29, 30 & 31, 2025 - to be scheduled between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.  
  • First Day of Program: Tuesday, September 2, 2025. Mandatory Orientation and introduction to Pre-Study from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at ESA. Uniform measurements will be completed following the orientation at ESA.
  • Import ant Dates for Accepted PCP 2025-09 Students:
  • How To Study Session at ESA- To be determined (optional attendance)
  •  PCP Skills Days at ESA - To be determined - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - mandatory attendance required in preparation for the first day of classes at ESA.
  • Pre-Study: Offsite (not at ESA): To be started September 2, 2025 and completed before Monday, September 29, 2025.
  • Fitness: Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00-8:00am (Dates TBD)
  • First Day and Last Day of Classes at ESA: The didactic portion of the program (lectures and practical training) starts September 29, 2025 and ends on December 19, 2025. Schedule to be provided at  orientation.
  • Practicums:  Commence January 2026. Individual dates TBD.
  • End Date of Program: March 23, 2026
  • Graduates of the ESA PCP program will be proficient as per the Paramedic Association of Canada definition of proficiency, to the standards and competencies included in the Paramedic Association of Canada National Occupational Competency Profile (NOCP) for Primary Care Paramedic (PCP).
  • Staff, faculty, partners, and students of ESA will be provided with a safe, respectful, working and learning environment.
  • Learning at ESA will be supported through provision of access for students to experienced, qualified faculty and preceptors and the support and guidance of professional administrative staff.
  • Achievement of proficiency will be supported through access to high quality learning materials and equipment, effective instructor and preceptor to student ratios, and appropriate clinical and practicum sites.
  • Professional development and career preparation of ESA students and graduates will be enhanced through ESA’s demonstrated commitment to patient focused, evidence-based EMS, modeling of a team-based approach to public safety, and an established culture of accountability to ethical and professional standards.
  • ESA PCP graduates will be successful in meeting career goals, achieving professional employment, and seeking higher education in or related to the Emergency Services industry.

Is emergency medicine a good career choice for you?

Make an informed career choice.  Click on the links below for further information.

ESA offers an excellent compact PCP Program which has the following advantages:

  • Accreditation:  Accreditation Canada- Six Year Accreditation provides students with national recognition. The PCP Program at Emergency Services Academy Ltd. (“ESA”) is accredited by Accreditation Canada and approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics. This allows successful graduates to apply nationwide for EMS employment. ESA ensures that all PCP graduates are proficient in all Paramedic Association of Canada National Occupational Competency Profile competencies and that program accreditation and approval is maintained.
  • Approval:  Alberta College of Paramedics Six Year Program Approval
  • Location:  The ESA campus is conveniently located in Sherwood Park AB and is readily accessible from Edmonton. The Bethel Transit Centre is located beside ESA.
  • Successful:  Excellent National Registration Examination (COPR) rates
  • Instructors:  ESA instructors are Career Professionals and experienced Fire Fighters, Primary Care Paramedics, Advanced Care Paramedics, Registered Nurses and Doctors.  
  • Ratios:  A 6:1 student to instructor ratio is maintained for practical training in the simulated setting performance environement.
  • History:  ESA has offered the PCP program since 2000 with graduates working throughout Alberta, Canada and beyond.
  • Online:  The ESA PCP program is enhanced with a variety of online resources including Google Classroom, Anatomy & Physiology, Pubmed, etc. The students utilize Google Classroom throughout the program.
  • Current Methods:  Tablets are used to track competencies online using the CompTracker program.
  • Equipment:  Modern EMS equipment including a driving simulator, high fidelity manikins and an ambulance which provides the opportunity to practice the skills needed to safely load, unload, transport and treat patients in a realistic environment.
  • Practicum Locations:  Excellent urban and rural practicum sites throughout Alberta.
  • Practicums:  Clinical and ambulance practicums are coordinated by ESA Practicum Coordinators. Mid-practicum interviews between the practicum coordinator, student and preceptor provide an opportunity to review student progress and answer questions or concerns.
  • Field Trips:  A variety of field trips (based on availability) are scheduled to enhance learning. Field trips include STARS, UofA Simulation lab, Hope Mission, Robinhood Association, and Clover Bar Lodge.
  • High Tech Simulation Day:  One day of simulation training is scheduled at HSERC, the Health Sciences Council University of Alberta, using emergency equipment of the same standard as at the U of A Hospital Emergency Department and the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy. Standardized patients (persons trained to respond to particular scenarios) or computerized manikins are integrated into high fidelity simulations.
  • Fitness Training:  A fitness component is included as an introduction to fitness and a commitment to lifelong physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Anatomy & Physiology Module:  An online  A&P module is included in the pre-study component to prepare students for the didactic portion of the program. The online module was added in response to student feedback.
  • Licensing:  The PCP Program at ESA is licensed by the Private Career Colleges branch of the Ministry of Alberta Advanced Education.
  • Funding:  The ESA PCP Program is designated for student funding. Students can apply for federal and provincial loans, grants and scholarships in their home province to cover studies at ESA. Each province has its own application process. Alberta students can apply online through Student Aid Alberta.

The PCP Program at Emergency Services Academy Ltd. is accredited by Accreditation Canada and is approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics. 

The ESA PCP program meets or exceeds all competencies specified in the National Occupational Competency Profile. Graduates who successfully completed the ESA PCP program at ESA are eligible to apply to write the Canadian Orgranization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) Registration Examination. Once successful on the COPR exam, graduates are eligible to register with the Alberta College of Paramedics as a Primary Care Paramedic.

Accreditation Canada (Formerly accredited by CMA - the Canadian Medical Association)

Health Education Accreditation is a quality improvement process that supports health education programs in ensuring that graduates are ready to deliver quality care at entry to practice. 

The ESA PCP Program holds 6 year accreditation status with Accreditation Canada. The current accreditation period is effective until August 31, 2028. ESA will continue to maintain provincial and national program accreditation and approval.


The successful ESA PCP student will receive the following certifications:

  • ESA Primary Care Paramedic Certificate
  • International Trauma Life Support- Basic Provider Level Certificate (ITLS International approved)
  • ITLS Access Certificate (Vehicle Extrication - ITLS International approved)
  • BLS Provider Certificate (Heart & Stroke Foundation)
  • International Academy for Professional Driving- Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC) for Emergency Vehicle Operator's- 3 Demerit - Alberta - This program is Alberta Government approved for 3 demerit reduction upon successful completion of this course with a minimum 80% passing.
  • The Secrets of Psychological Body Armour - International Critical Incident Foundation - Canada, Inc.
  • Cultural Competence in Healthcare - Continuing Professional Development - Ontario Health

Applicants for the PCP Program at ESA must submit the following prerequisites:

  • A completed ESA Application Form
  • A Clear Police Information Check (PIC) and Vulnerable Sector Search (VSS). will not be accepted as it does not include the VSS.
  • Updated immunization records
  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • High School Diploma, GED/equivalent or post secondary education equivalent to or above a grade 12 level as evidenced by transcripts, OR pre-approval from ESA for application as a mature student.  
  • Driver's License - Minimum Class 5 (GDL accepted)
  • Basic Rescuer - CPR Level C or Health Care Provider - dated within one year as of first day of classes.
  • Driver's Abstract
  • Medical Exam Form
  • Completed EMS Industry Research Assignments
  • Resume
  • Two letters of character reference

Plus one of the following:

  • Current Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Alberta College of Paramedics Practice Permit
  • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Certificate/Transcript *
  • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Refresher Certificate/Transcript *
  • Medical First Responder (MFR) Certificate/Transcript *
  • Advanced First Aid (AFA) Certificate*
  • Proof of employment as an EMR or MFR **

*Must indicate a graduation date within 12 months preceding the first day of the PCP program. MFR and AFA must be a minimum 80 hour program.

**Proof of employment must indicate that the applicant has worked as an EMR or MFR within 12 months preceeding the first day of the PCP Program.

Complete details are included in the PCP Application Package.

Please note- An Alberta College of Paramedics Practice Permit is not required to apply for the ESA PCP Program.

CPR Courses - Search online for a Basic Rescuer course offered in your area. One recommendation is the Heart and Stroke course. Complete the fields on their website to see the courses scheduled nearest to you.

It is the responsibility of an applicant to ensure an application submitted to ESA is complete and meets all prerequisites.

PCP Applicant Competition

ESA accepts a maximum of up to 24 students for each PCP Program. Acceptance is based on the results of a competition including the following:

  •  interview with an ESA Program Coordinator or Designate (50%)
  •  EMR level written exam (25%)
  •  EMR level skill station (25%)

The PCP competition consists of two stages:

Stage 1 - Applicant Exam

  • All applicants who submit a complete application will receive a Confirmation of Application email.
  • Two exam date options will be provided via the Confirmation of Application email and applicants will book their preferred exam date via the link provided. Refer to the ESA website for competition dates for PCP Programs.
  • Applicants who score 60% or higher on the applicant exam will continue to Stage 2 of the competition.
  • Applicants who score under 60% will not advance to the next stage and may re-apply for the next available PCP Program.
  • All applicants will be advised of their exam mark via email within one to two business days after the last exam date.

Stage 2 - Interview / Skill Station

  • Applicants who achieved 60% or higher on the competition exam will advance in the competition and book their interview / EMR level skill station via the scheduling link provided with their exam mark email.
  • Applicants will be advised of their competition status via email within one to two business days once all interview / skill stations are complete.

Mature Students

Mature Students may be accepted into the PCP Program at ESA.  

If you do not meet the requirement for existing education (a High School Diploma verified by transcripts, GED or post-secondary education which is equivalent to or above a grade 12 level), forward an advance inquiry to ESA summarizing your education and work experience before submitting a complete application package. Include the following details in your inquiry:

  • Formal education completed (including a high school transcript)
  • Degrees, diplomas, certifications, courses or other relevant training
  • Work experience
  • Current occupation
  • Current Resume

Your inquiry will be reviewed by the Registrar of ESA. You will be advised by email if you may proceed with your application to the Primary Care Paramedic program at ESA as a mature student.

International Students - ESA is not currently able to accept international students in the PCP Program.

ESA 2025 Fees 

  • Administration Fee (non-refundable):  $125.00
  • Program Materials Fee (5% GST included):  $3,200.00
  • Tuition Fee (including Registration Fee of $500.00, ESA Student Fees and Fitness Training):  $8,670.00
  • Total Fees Payable to ESA: $11,995.00

ESA 2024 Fees 

  • Administration Fee (non-refundable):  $125.00
  • Program Materials Fee (5% GST included):  $2,825.00
  • Tuition Fee (including Registration Fee of $500.00, ESA Student Fees and Fitness Training):  $8,525.00
  • Total Fees Payable to ESA: $11,475.00

Each student is required to have a tablet for the PCP Program.  A tablet is not included in Program Materials and is not part of ESA Program Materials Fees.

ESA fees are subject to review and will be updated by October 1 of each calendar year.

ESA fees and dates are subject to change. Notice of any changes will be listed on this website and can be confirmed by contacting ESA by phone or email.

Payment of Fees -

  • First payment - Administration Fee ($125.00) - Must be submitted with the Application for Admission to ESA. 

Upon acceptance into the PCP program:

  • Final payment -  Program Materials Fee ($2825.00) + Tuition Balance ($8525.00) = Final Fees $11,350.00 - due on the first day of the program/Orientation.

ESA may accept a tuition fee before training begins only if the fee is paid by a third party such as student funding, scholarships or RESPs.

Pending Funding

If funding by government sources or scholarships is pending, documentation must be provided to ESA on or before the first day of classes showing confirmation of same and dates of payment(s). An alternate source of payment such as credit card information will be required in case the funding is not received by ESA.

Students must have payment in place for all ESA fees on the first day of classes. Government funding may also include later payment(s) related to living costs or practicums. These are paid directly to the student and not applicable to ESA fees.

Refund of Fees

  • The Administration Fee is non-refundable.
  • The Program Materials Fee is non-refundable.
  • Registration Fee: The Alberta Enrolment Contract will be signed by the student and a representative of ESA on the first day of classes. If this contract is cancelled within five business days of signing, the Registration Fee is refunded. After five business days, the Registration Fee is non-refundable.
  • Tuition Fees: The PCP Program at ESA is licensed by the Private Career Colleges branch of Alberta Advanced Education. Cancellation and refund policies for the PCP Program are made in accordance with Section 17(1) Private Vocational Training Regulation. Any refunds of tuition fees depend on the percentage of training provided as of the withdrawal date and are listed in the Alberta Enrolment Contract signed by ESA and the student. The Orientation is considered the first day of the program.

Methods of Payment:  All program fees are payable to Emergency Services Academy Ltd.  Payments may be made by cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Debit Card. Cash payments must be for the correct amount as ESA does not keep cash onsite. 

Funds may be transferred to Emergency Services Academy Ltd. by INTERAC e-Transfer using the ESA email address:

Program Materials include:

  • a full set of PCP textbooks
  • the Anatomy and Physiology online module which uses Navigate 2 Advantage Access and includes an e-Book, Study Center, Homework and Assessment Center and Dashboard to report actionable data
  • ESA PCP Google Classroom
  • access to the CompTracker website to track competencies in all performance environments
  • a fitted N95 face mask for use on practicums
  • a PCP duffle bag
  • two PCP tshirts
  • ESA two fitness tshirt and shorts
  • ESA PCP uniforms.Uniforms consist of two short sleeved shirts and two pairs of pants. Uniforms are required for both the didactic and practicum components of the program.
  • access to ESA training equipment including an ambulance and a full compliment of EMS equipment.

ESA Fees include insurance for students and provides accidental health and dental insurance coverage for PCP students while attending the didactic and practicum components of the program. WCB coverage is provided during clinical and ambulance practicums. Premiums are included in ESA fees.

Additional Expenses

PCP students are responsible for any personal expenses related to practicums. Such expenses could include travel, meals and accommodation. Practicum placements may be located anywhere in Alberta.

Examples of recent practicum placements include:


Alberta Health Services Clinical Sites-

o Athabasca Healthcare Centre
o Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital
o Cold Lake Healthcare Centre
o Devon General Hospital
o Drayton Valley Hospital and Care Centre
o Edson Healthcare Centre
o Northern Lights Regional Health Centre
o Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital
o Hinton Healthcare Centre
o Innisfail Health Centre
o Seton Healthcare Centre
o Leduc Community Hospital
o Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
o Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre
o Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre
o Rocky Mountain House Health Centre
o Slave Lake Healthcare Centre
o Stettler Hospital and Care Centre
o Strathcona Community Hospital
o Sturgeon Community Hospital
o Vermilion Health Centre
o Westlock Healthcare Centre
o WestView Health Centre
o Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre
o Whitecourt Healthcare Centre

• Covenant Health Clinical Sites - 

o St. Mary's Hospital
o St. Joseph's General Hospital


• Alberta Health Services Ambulance Sites - 

o Alberta Health Services - Alberta Beach
o Alberta Health Services - Bashaw
o Alberta Health Services - Beaumont
o Alberta Health Services - Calmar
o Alberta Health Services - Camrose
o Alberta Health Services - Eckville
o Alberta Health Services - Edmonton Metro
o Alberta Health Services - Gibbons
o Alberta Health Services - Lacombe
o Alberta Health Services - Linden
o Alberta Health Services - Metro Calgary
o Alberta Health Services - Morinville
o Alberta Health Services - Red Earth Creek
o Alberta Health Services - Slave Lake
o Alberta Health Services - Stony Plain
o Alberta Health Services - Sundre
o Alberta Health Services - Three Hills
o Alberta Health Services - Linden
o Alberta Health Services - Wainwright
o Alberta Health Services - Vegreville

• Associated Ambulance -

o Associated Ambulance- Athabasca
o Associated Ambulance- Boyle
o Associated Ambulance- Drayton Valley
o Associated Ambulance- Evansburg
o Associated Ambulance- Hinton
o Associated Ambulance-Mayerthorpe
o Associated Ambulance- Sylvan Lake
o Associated Ambulance- Westlock

• Bonnyville EMS
• Cold Lake Ambulance Society
• City of Leduc Fire Services

• Medavie Health Services West - 

o Medavie Health Services West - Fort Saskatchewan
o Medavie Health Services West - Lloydminster
o Medavie Health Services West – Lamont and Andrew
o Medavie Health Services West - St. Paul
o Medavie Health Services West - Elk Point
o Medavie Health Services West - Two Hills
o Medavie Health Services West - Vermillion
o Medavie Health Services West - Saddle Lake

• Maskwacis Ambulance Authority
• Spruce Grove Fire Services
• St. Albert Fire Services
• Strathcona County Emergency Services
• WPD Ambulance Lloydminster

Required PCP Equipment - Not Supplied by ESA

Students are required to have the following equipment and supplies for the PCP Program at ESA:

  • A tablet (for competency tracking)
  • Stethoscope - Littman Classic II recommended.
  • Penlight
  • Universal shears
  • Safety boots - black, steel toe and shank, OH&S approved
  • Protective eye wear
  • Watch - to take vital signs

Post Graduate Costs

The Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) Exam

A registration exam (pass) is a requirement for EMR, PCP and ACP graduates to apply for registration with the Alberta College of Paramedics. (The exception to this is those who are licensed in another province or have education or experience deemed equivalent by the Registrar of the Alberta College of Paramedics)

The Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) examinations are the approved registration examinations required of applicants applying to the general register of the College. (Please note: The COPR examinations now take the place of the former Provincial Registration Examinations. For more information, please see Changes to Alberta Exams.)

The COPR examinations are currently issued in all three currently recognized designations in Alberta:

  • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
  • Primary Care Paramedic (PCP)
  • Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP)

Information on the COPR Examinations

Information on the COPR Examinations can be found here

COPR has many resources for exam candidates, including an Examination Handbook that includes information about the process, including: eligibility requirements, what to expect when applying for the exam, what happens after you apply for the exam, what happens on exam day and what to expect following the exam.

If you have any questions, please email

The Alberta College of Paramedics Registration Fees

To practice paramedicine or use the title of paramedic in Alberta, all Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Primary Care Paramedics (PCP) and Advanced Care Paramedics (ACP) must be registered with the College and hold an active practice permit.

Alberta College of Paramedics registration fees are listed on the Alberta College of Paramedics website.

Funding for the Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Program at ESA

Canada Student Loans and Student Finance Grants

The PCP Program at ESA has been designated as eligible for federal and provincial student funding.

Please submit your application for funding before you apply to ESA for the PCP program. You will be advised of how much funding you can receive. The funding will be activated when ESA confirms your acceptance to Student Aid.

Alberta:  The Canada Student Loans Program and The Province of Alberta/Alberta Students Finance provide loans and grants to full-time students in need of additional funds to meet their educational expenses. Apply online through the Alberta Advanced Education and Technology website Student Aid Alberta. The same application form is used to apply for student loans, grants, subsidies and some scholarships. 

The annual loan limits from Student Aid Alberta for full-time studies are:

  • $7,500 for 1 to 4 months of studies
  • $15,000 for 5 to 9 months of studies.   

Call the Student Aid Alberta Service Centre - call 1-855-606-2096 (toll free in North America) Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 8:30 pm (MST) regarding eligibility for Alberta and Canada student loans and grants, and to receive help with the application process.

Across Canada:  Similar funding programs are available in other provinces for the ESA PCP program.

For further details and suggestions for funding, please refer to Student Services on this website:


ESA uses tablets during the PCP Program to track competencies using the software program CompTracker.

ESA uses Google Classroom for the PCP Program.   

An Orientation is part of the first day of the program. Students are measured for uniforms and receive their program materials including an ESA PCP duffle bag and textbooks.  

The PCP Program includes an online Anatomy & Physiology Module for Pre-hospital Providers. This module will better prepare our ESA students for the face-to-face portion of the program by providing a strong foundation of A&P knowledge. Estimated time required to complete this module is 30 hours. This is for student pre-study and is completed online, not at ESA.

Didactic sessions are held in the ESA EMS classroom from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs, Monday to Friday.  

After successful completion of the didactic component at ESA, each student is scheduled to complete field practicums; Clinical and Emergency Ambulance.

Practicum Placements

Practicum placements occur after the didactic portion of each PCP Program at ESA. These are arranged for each student by the PCP Practicum Coordinators.

  • The Clinical Practicum requires a PCP student to complete a minimum of 60 hours (5 to 8 shifts) in a clinical setting. The student will assess patients in the Emergency Department under the direct supervision of a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse. The student may also have the opportunity to visit other hospital departments to gain valuable educational experience. Alberta hospitals recently providing clinical practicums for ESA PCP students include Fort Saskatchewan, Camrose, Red Deer, Leduc, Innisfail, Devon and Drayton Valley.
  • In the Emergency Ambulance Practicum, the PCP student must complete a minimum of 192 hours and a minimum of 30 calls in the emergency ambulance setting under the direct supervision of a Primary Care Paramedic or Advanced Care Paramedic. Ambulance practicum placements can be scheduled throughout Alberta. Recent services providing ambulance practicums include Strathcona County Emergency Services, Spruce Grove Fire Department, Maskwacis Ambulance, Medavie Health Services West, Associated Ambulance, Alberta Health Services- North, Central, Edmonton and Calgary,  and St. Albert Fire Services.

ESA Exams

  • PCP Essentials Exam
  • HSF - BLS Provider
  • ITLS Basic Provider
  • Segment 1
  • Segment 2
  • Segment 3
  • Final Exam
  • Final Scenario Evaluation                                                                                  

The Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) Exam

A registration exam (pass) is a requirement for EMR, PCP and ACP graduates to apply for registration with the Alberta College of Paramedics. (The exception to this is those who are licensed in another province or have education or experience deemed equivalent by the Registrar of the Alberta College of Paramedics)

The Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) examinations are the approved registration examinations required of applicants applying to the general register of the College. (Please note: The COPR examinations now take the place of the former Provincial Registration Examinations. For more information, please see Changes to Alberta Exams.)

PCP Program Highlights

The PCP Program at ESA includes some specialized study components:

Anatomy & Physiology Module - introduced in March, 2016. This module is completed online during the pre-study component of the PCP Program, with a goal of providing a strong A&P foundation to build upon.

Fitness Training - introduced in May, 2015. 

Goal: To introduce the student to fitness and a commitment to life-long physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Fitness training components:  

  • An introduction to healthy lifestyle choices
  • Functional fitness training based on testing
  • Job specific fitness and strength training 


  • Approximately 20 hours based on 2, one hour sessions per week, over 10 weeks
  • Sessions will be scheduled  Tuesdays/Thursdays 7-8 am. 


  • Fitness fees are included in the Tuition portion of PCP fees.  
  • Fees cover fitness training and two sets of ESA workout wear.  

Interaction and Assessment of Specific Populations:

  • Geriatric Patients - The PCP students interact with the senior residents at the Cloverbar Lodge, Sherwood Park, Alberta. Students work in small groups and take vital signs, histories, and participate in a question and answer period. The focus of this visit is for students to gain confidence in communicating with and assessing senior citizens, as this is the largest population group requiring care by a PCP.
  • Pediatric Patients - The PCP students interact with children during pediatric lectures and labs. Pediatric calls tend to be stressful. This lecture/lab focuses on communicating with and assessing pediatric patients and provides some practical exposure before practicums.

Current EMS Trends

The Medical Director for ESA addresses PCP students with a focus on current medical trends and the role of EMS in patient care.

STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service)

A tour of STARS, Edmonton, provides a presentation about the emergency air ambulance service available in Alberta. Students learn when STARS is required as a responder and how to work with STARS staff on scene. They are given a tour of the new facility at the Edmonton International Airport and the STARS helicopter.

High Fidelity Simulation Day

Each PCP program includes one day of simulation training at the U of A. This day is spent at HSERC, the Health Sciences Council University of Alberta. HSERC is a training center which provides modern and high quality emergency equipment and facilities comparable to that used in the U of A Hospital Emergency Department, the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy and the Kaye Edmonton Clinic,   

Students practice advanced skills with high fidelity manikins and assess and treat 'standardized patients' in real-life settings. The standardized patients are trained actors who respond as "real patients" in scenarios.

Online Tracking of Competency Skills

ESA is using online tracking of competencies during the PCP program.. Each student uses their tablet to view and track successful completion of the NOCP competencies in all performance environments including academic, simulated settings, clinical and Preceptorship/Ambulance practicums. This process is completed online through the CompTracker website.  

PCP Safety Tactics

ESA teaches PCP students how to deal with high stress situations, both in safe responses to high risk situations and in tactics to deal with physiological responses for themselves and their patients.

ALS Prep (Advanced Life Support Prep)

ALS Prep is presented to the PCP class in the last week of the didactic portion of the program. It has been designed to “take the students to the next level” in their theory knowledge and practical skills while still ensuring students remain within their scope of practice while on practicum.

Some examples of the topics covered in the ALS Prep include:

  • Advanced Airway Management
  • Pharmacology

Referral Fees for New PCP Students

If a new student is accepted into an EMR, PCP or Professional Fire Fighter Program at ESA, and lists the name of a former or current ESA student on their original application form in response to the question "How did you learn about ESA?", then we will mail the former/current ESA student a cheque.  

Referrals for PCP are $50.

  • "I am a graduate student from your EMR and PCP programs. I recently referred a friend to the EMR program and received a referral cheque from ESA. I would like to say thank you and that I greatly appreciate that you still value past students and keep them in mind. I will continue to refer possible candidates to the school and inform them of the quality and up to date training I received while attending the Academy. "(Geovanny - EMR 1204 and EMT 1301)

Room and Board

ESA has a list of accommodations available in the Sherwood Park area. This list is not vetted by ESA. Students are responsible for contacting sources and making their own arrangements for room and board.

Accessory Courses

ESA offers Accessory Courses to supplement the PCP Program, including:

  • PCP "Entry to Practice" Exam Prep Course- This course provides a review of PCP theory in preparation for the COPR exam.
  • PCP Refresher- This course consists of an online component to be completed within 15 weeks, followed by 2 weeks (Monday to Friday) at ESA for theory review, practical skills and exams. It is offered for individuals needing to upgrade and refresh their PCP skills.
  • Ice Rescue- This is a one day course offered in the spring of each year for EMS, Fire and Rescue personnel.
  • Rope Rescue Level I or 2- This is a five or six day course (depending on the certificatations required) offered to EMS, Fire and Rescue personnel.

Professional Fire Fighter Programs - Flex and Enhanced

Many graduates of the PCP Program apply for one of the Professional Fire Fighter Programs (Enhanced or Flex)  at ESA. Emergency medical and fire fighter training offer opportunities for employment with combined ambulance/fire services across Canada.

Each of these courses has separate prerequisites and tuition fees. Please refer to the course name on this website for details.

Annual Reports for the PCP Program at ESA

Reporting Period

# of Graduates

Graduation Rate

Job Placement Rate

Apr 1, 2016- Mar 31, 2017




Apr 1, 2017- Mar 31, 2018




Apr 1, 2018- Mar 31, 2019




Apr 1, 2019- Mar 31, 2020




Apr 1, 2020- Mar 31, 2021




Apr 1, 2021- Mar 31, 2022





Reports are submitted to the Private Career Colleges branch of Alberta Advanced Education for licensing purposes.

Employment Standards

Emergency Services Academy Ltd. ("ESA") is committed to providing a PCP program that will produce a confident and competent Emergency Medical Services field practitioner.

ESA Graduates and Employment

Graduates from the ESA PCP Program are working for EMS and Fire services across Canada, including:

  • 911 Industrial Response, Grande Prairie AB
  • Alberta Health Services - Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Valleyview, Stony Plain, North Central, IFT North, South Peace Division AB
  • Associated Ambulance - Drayton Valley, Jasper, Mayerthorpe AB
  • Bonnyville Municipal Ambulance, Bonnyville AB
  • Calgary Fire Department AB
  • Canadian Industrial Paramedics, Edmonton AB
  • City of Leduc Fire Services, Leduc AB
  • CNRL - AB
  • Cold Lake Ambulance Society, Cold Lake AB
  • Delta Fire Department BC
  • Edmonton Emergency Response Department AB
  • Elk Point Ambulance, Elk Point AB
  • Fire Power Oilfield Firefighting - AB
  • Fort McMurray Fire Department, Fort McMurray AB
  • Guardian Ambulance, Ponoka AB
  • HSE Integrated, Whitecourt AB
  • Interhospital Transfers
  • Parkland County AB
  • Panhorama Mountain, Panorama BC
  • Parkland Ambulance Authority, Stony Plain AB
  • Peace Hills EMS, Wetaskiwin AB
  • Peace River Fire Department, Peace River AB
  • Prairie EMS, Fort Saskatchewan AB
  • Prairie EMS Inc, Lamont AB
  • Rocky Ambulance, Rocky Mountain House AB
  • Scott Safety, Whitecourt AB
  • St Albert Fire Services, St Albert AB
  • St Paul & District Ambulance, St Paul AB
  • Strathcona County Emergency Services AB
  • Spruce Grove Fire Department AB
  • Strathcona County Emergency Services, Sherwood Park AB
  • Vancouver Fire Department BC
  • Wapose Medical Services, Fort McMurray AB
  • Western EMS, Hinton AB
  • Yellowknife EMS, Yellowknife

If you are a graduate of our PCP Program and successful in finding employment, please contact ESA so that we can maintain current records.

I have worked in the Supervisor’s office for a number of shifts over the last weeks and have had the pleasure of directing about half a dozen ESA PCP students. 

I think that it is important to point out some of my observations. With no doubt, I can say that these students have been the most well presented students that I have ever worked with.  They have consistently been exceptionally polite and punctual. I have witnessed them being respectful to their preceptors and to the supervisors. I have also noticed that the state of all of their uniforms and boots has been excellent. 

Please feel free to pass this note along to their school or the AHS practicum stewards.

Mike Lorenz

These testimonials are from graduates of the ESA PCP Program.

  • Instructors were very knowledgeable about the subjects. They really pushed to get the best out of us. (Blake - EMT 1301)
  • Instructors are very helpful and dedicated to helping the students learn.  They come up with unique ways to demonstrate teaching material, and effectively get their point across. (Bradon - EMT 1101)
  • Excellent instructors are a huge reason why I decided to attend ESA and why it came so highly recommended to me. I will be sure to echo this to anyone who asks my opinion. (Jenelle - EMT 1404)
  • ESA could not have put together a better, diverse team of instructors. All students absorb the curriculum in a different fashion and the diversity of your team ensures these needs are met. Well done!!! They're all people the students look up to, and I can guarantee every one of us, at some point in our career, would love the opportunity to work alongside any member of your team.  (Blake - EMT 1301)
  • "ESA students are typically the strongest EMT students we see in the field compared to other schools. Keep up the great work."  Comment received from one of the Ambulance Preceptors of ESA EMT/PCP students. (Preceptor, 2014)
  • ESA helped the entire way through schooling, provincial examinations, practicum (which I was very well prepared for) and finally getting a job [AHS]. Excellent school with excellent instructors if you are looking to get into Emergency Services as a career. (Kosh - EMR and EMT 1304)
  • Really enjoyed ESA. Thanks so much. Edmonton EMS seems to be collecting ESA grads (there are lots!) Thanks for all your hard work. (Michael - EMT)
  • As I am applying for Paramedic scool, I am finding that I am very prepared, especially looking through my old EMT school work. I felt prepared for my EMT career when I left ESA, but I am only now beginning to realize how in depth the EMT course was and it's going to benefit me as I prepare to return to school. (Heidi - EMT)
  • Professional and very intelligent staff who were readily available to assist you. (Shannon - EMT)
  • Great Learning experience and I feel that I was well prepared for practicum.
  • Was well put together, instructors provided good instruction on ways to improve scenario skills as well as good points and tips on real life use.
  • Great teachers, lots of good information with lots of time for scenarios. Really appreciated everything everyone did for me, the teachers really put in a lot of time to ensure everyone understood.
  • Great faculty at ESA. Daily lectures and planning was well organised. all around positive experience.
  • It was very well prepared and taught, awesome student to teacher ratios for scenarios and knowledge of lessons
  • Very thorough, well presented and easy environment to learn in. Instructors were great.
  • Overall outstanding instructors. Instructors are very knowledgeable and eager to teach students.
  • Great preceptor, lots of experience gained!
  • Excellent preceptor, very approachable and had great constructive feedback
  • I really enjoyed the whole program. I liked the format and being able to fully prepare for each upcoming lecture each night, and being able to put what we learned into a practical setting each afternoon. I loved all the extra “field trip” experiences we had as well. (Lindsay - PCP 1812)
  • I really enjoy how thorough the instructors are and how in depth each topic is. I feel as though it set me up very well for practicum and the rest of my career. (Aaron - PCP 1902)
  • I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent at ESA, the instructors were phenomenal (best thing about ESA) lessons and lecture plans were informative and easy to follow, scenarios were run well and every instructor had great learning points for each scenario they ran. (Cole - PCP 1902)
  • The variety of instructors. Having people from different areas and regions gives us a more dynamic learning experience. (Kathryn - PCP 1902)
  • Scenarios were really well done and especially the HF fridays made it so we had the chance to act like we would in real life when not following a flow sheet.I also really enjoyed the variety of learning tools, such as videos, diagrams, ipads, and online material. (Brandon - PCP 1908)
  • I felt privileged to attend here and I feel prepared for my practicum. (Eric - PCP 1908)


"The dream has come true and I have made the Calgary Fire Department. We find out our start dates at the end of August. I would like to thank everyone at ESA for helping me prepare for this amazing career!"
- Andrew, Fire 1003